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Internship’s Assignment: Devil’s Barrel (Tong Setan)

Written by Rena Novia Savitri

My name is Rena Novia Savitri, I’m a Broadcasting student in Mercu Buana University. I am one of Internship student in Anatman Pictures for 40 days. And I just finished my first documentary project in Anatman Pictures, which is making the Devil’s Barrel Rider Documentary. In this project, I am become a videographer and editor.

The circle of Devil’s Barrel

Great shot check. Picture selection check.

Take the moment when Putra using the new Canon EOS R Camera.

In first day shooting, I just want to shoot behind the scene for Review Canon EOS R with Putra (Director of Anatman Pictures). And then, in the second day, I was asked for making a documentary about profile the Devil’s Barrel Riders. Finally I made a quick interview about the lives of the rider and shoot some moments.

When I was shooting, there are some difficulty, I had to shoot some moment closely with the devil’s barrel riders and when the motorcycle is lit. It is quite a surprise, because the shape of devil’s barrel is a circle, the sound can be harder than the original sound. Fueled by Putra, Sigit, and some team, shooting for approximately three hours is finally done.

After shooting, I start to edit the result. I was given two days to finish this documentary project. Offline editing for 1 day, and online editing for 1 day. Assisted by Hari (sound designer of Anatman Pictures), Abrian, Mail (motion graphic of Anatman Pictures) and also some crew of Anatman Pictures everything can be finished.

Check the full video below! Please enjoy!

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